Grind & Seal

A cost effective alternative to polished concrete

Our Process

If you’re wanting the polished concrete look but are on a budget this is a great alternative.

A grind and seal involves grinding the concrete back to the required aggregate exposure, refining the scratches up to 120grit and then applying a matte, satin or gloss sealant to the concrete using a topical coating of epoxy, acrylic or urathane.

Grind & seal random exposure gloss finish.JPG

Why Choose Grind & Seal?

  • Grind and seal processes suits a variety of spaces from indoor flooring and outdoor spaces in residential projects to large scale commercial areas

  • A grind and seal is an attractive and affordable alternative to polished concrete with a lower upfront cost than mechanically polished concrete

  • Grind and seal requires less labour and time as it does not involve mechanical polishing to achieve a gloss look

  • Whilst grind and seal isn’t as hard wearing as polished concrete it is an ideal substitute that is durable and achieves an attractive finish